1. North Korea
We end our list of 8 countries where religion is illegal with North Korea. Although the constitution says that religious expression is free, the regime doesn’t feel obliged to actually enforce it. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The only thing even remotely similar to religion that is allowed in North Korea is a worshipping of Kim dynasty and current supreme leader Kim Jong-un. Although we don’t get much information from the country, what can be gathered from occasional refugees that manage to slip past heavily guarded borders and people like John Sweeney, a British journalist that spent some time undercover in North Korea, doesn’t paint a pretty picture. One of the worst, if not the worst totalitarian regime on the planets treat its citizens very harshly. Some would say that lack of religious freedoms is the least of their problems and that hunger and political repression are far more damaging to an average citizen of North Korea. While that may be true, depending on your viewpoint, the country remains one of the worst places for any religion today.

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