8 Countries that Produce the Most Tea in the World

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Make yourself a nice cup of tea to enjoy this article about the countries that produce the most tea in the world even more.

You should know by now that drinking tea is not only recommendable when you are sick, but even when you are healthy, on an everyday basis. Drinking tea (depending on the type) can help you stay healthy, it can boost your immune system. If you make yourself develop an everyday ritual of quiet and peaceful drinking of your favorite tea you can gain many health benefits. Not only from the ingredients tea possesses, but also from the act itself, if you make it as it should be – enjoyable. And, I am not saying that you should make it a special ritual like Chinese people do, just your ritual, your time to sit quietly with your thoughts and enjoy drinking something healthy. That way, drinking a cup of tea will positively affect not only your body, but also your mind, or shall I say – spirit.

Countries that Produce the Most Tea in the World


There are five primary types of tea that are all produced from the same plant called Camellia sinensis that is native to China. Although it may sound similar to chamomile – these two are different entirely plants. And, here is a kick for those who don’t know anything about tea – chamomile is not a true tea. So, which are those primary types of tea that are classified as true teas? Those are: white tea, green tea, black tea, oolong tea and pu-erh tea. Since they are all made from the leaves of the same plant, what differentiate them is further processing (mainly level of oxidation) of the leaf.

After the tea is processed into one of these primary types it can be spiced up, flavored, blended or aromatized. This is why there are so many tea varieties coming from only 5 basic types. Don’t skip our article on the world’s most expensive teas, as you will be shocked both with the prices and the things that make those teas so special.

Let’s say something more about each of these basic five types of tea before we proceed with the countries that dominate the tea production world.

Green tea is very popular because of its powerful antioxidant capacity and fat burning effects. I don’t have to explain more why ladies love it. Drinking green tea regularly will lower your risk of infections and various types of cancer, it will improve your brain functions and lower your risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease when older.

White tea is also full of antioxidants that will help you stay young, improve your skin health or lose weight. Drinking white tea offers similar health benefits as consuming green tea, and people who don’t like the strong taste of the green one prefer the white tea.

Black tea, as well, can affect our health positively, but you should be aware of the fact that it has much more caffeine than all the other teas. So, if you for any reason need to lower your caffeine intake beware of the fact that black tea contains it more than the white one or the green one.

Oolang tea possesses almost all the qualities that green and black tea have separately, which is why its regular consumption can bring many health benefits. Some of them are good dental health, bone structure and healthier skin. If you’re looking to lose weight, oolang tea is maybe the better option than the green one.

Pu-erh tea is often recommended for people who have problems with bad cholesterol, because it contains a chemical called lovastatin, which helps to lower bad cholesterol levels.

More or less, all these types of tea have the same health benefits, and differences between them are not that big. Try them all and drink the one that taste the best to you. Now, let’s finally see who produces them the most. To find out countries that produce the most tea in the world we’ve used statistic data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Even though only the statistics from 2013, are available, chances are nothing much has changed since then, because, as we could see from the same source, these countries below were at the top in the previous years, too.

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