5. China
Score – 10
It’s really no surprise that China is on this list of countries that produce the most robots in the world considering that they’re automating most of everything nowadays. Back in 2012, data shows that China had over 96,000 operational robot units deployed across the country. Not only does the country create industrial robots for itself, but also for other nations. In fact, exports in this industry reached $144.4 million in 2015.
While the fact that these robots are replacing the workforce may seem like a problem in the United States, in China things are different. In fact, it seems that here the factories actually count on robots as the workforce shrinks. As the cheap and hardworking employees focus on different jobs, robots are taking over in order to keep the industry alive.
Not only is China looking to buy more robots, but it’s on a race against time to do so as the number of workers is said to fall below 800 million by 2050 following the 2010 peak at 900 million.
