What are the top refugee producing countries in the world? With the refugee crisis currently wreaking havoc around the globe, it is extremely important to be aware of the origins of these unfortunate people, which is exactly why we have decided to compile for you a list of the 8 countries that produce the most refugees in the world.
According to the UN Refugee Agency, 65.3 million people were classified as forcibly displaced people at the end of 2015. Out of this huge number, 21.3 million people have been forced to flee from their respective homelands in the hope of seeking shelter in foreign countries and hence, are refugees. The situation that refugees are facing is heart-wrenching, to say the least. Not only do they face enormous obstacles while struggling to gain admission into any country who would house them, but are also at the risk of starving to death, being abducted or being victims of violent crimes on their way to another country.
One would assume that once the dislodged person reaches the desired sanctuary, he or she would be free from the issues chasing them since they left their beloved country. This assumption is quite far from the truth. It’s a massive challenge for these asylum seekers to be able to obtain employment, procure housing arrangements and raise their children in a completely new environment, where they are unable to speak the language or blend into the rest of the citizens. Even with the most hospitable neighbors, refugees are often treated as outcasts, multiplying their frustrations and demoralizing them in their efforts to get on with a normal life.

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Although most of us consider it our duty towards humanity to be able to assist these refugees in some way or the other, we tend to trivialize their problems without intending to, because within our comfy homes and warm beds, perhaps we cannot completely comprehend the challenges they face. Even so, many individuals and organizations are striving to raise awareness of the innumerable problems hindering the refugee population. Humans of New York, for instance, used its popularity as a blog to help this cause, sharing extremely touching stories of refugees traveling through Europe.
A few of them have been reported by the Huffington Post, while the entire series can easily be found on the blogger’s Facebook page. Similarly, the BBC created this amazingly creative yet absorbing video showing a refugee’s journey through a mobile phone. In this world of technology (the development of which is quite clear if you read this article on the 8 Countries that Produce the Most Robots in the World), it is only apt to show how this essential gadget would play a role in the most dangerous time of a refugee’s life. Furthermore, many reputable organizations promoting human rights have donation pages dedicated solely to refugees, like this page by UNHCR or this by Amnesty International.
It is true that the refugee crisis can never be fully eliminated what with conflicts constantly cropping up in various parts of the world, but the most distressing aspect is that the number of refugees keeps increasing every year. So what exactly is the cause of these worsening circumstances? Well, firstly, wars are taking place more frequently now. That is not the worst of it, though. The fact that these conflicts are more long lasting these days is really the crux of the situation. According to the UNHCR, in 2015, 24 people had to flee their homes every sixty seconds, while the corresponding number was 6 somewhere around 2005. Seeing the situation presented so concisely really emphasizes the severity of the situation and might encourage people to help those in desperate need.
Now that we know the sheer number of refugees currently seeking asylum in this world, let’s take a look at the 8 countries that produce the most refugees in the world, a list we formulated with the help of the Global Trends Report issued by the UNHCR on forced displacement in 2015.