Amidst calls of environmentalists and conservationists to reduce carbon footprint, coal remains to be one of the most produced fuel sources – and this list of the 8 countries that produce the most coal in the world is proof.
And there is nothing surprising about our attachment to coal. Compared to most other fuels in the world, coal is the most easily abundant – and the cheapest one to produce at that. The greener alternatives to coal, especially for electricity production, like solar, wind, and nuclear are all more expensive to produce.
One of the most striking things about the statistics of coal production and consumption is the fact that most of the world’s largest producers are also its biggest consumers.
For this list, we have used the complete 2014 data on coal production by country from the British Petroleum’s Statistical Review of World Energy June 2015. The quantity provided here are: (a) measured in million tonnes; and (b) do not specify the kind or source of coal but is inclusive of “coal” as identified by the creator of the review.
Which countries made it to the top of the list? Read on to find out! Don’t forget to check out our list of the 8 countries that produce the most cocoa beans in the world.
8. Germany
186 million tonnes
Germany’s coal production has steeply declined over the last eight years with minor fluctuations in between years. This decline is marked by the decrease in coal reliance as Germany worked on the increased use of renewable energy resources. Today, coal only accounts for 45% of their energy sources.
7. South Africa
261 million tonnes
South Africa’s large coal production is justified by its large coal consumption. Their production quantities have largely remained at a consistent range and three-quarters of all this ends up for domestic usage – for heating, cooking, liquid fuel, and electricity.
6. Russia
358 million tonnes
Russia owns about 19% of all the world’s coal reserves and they are among the largest consumers of coal as well. Coal usage for electricity in Russia has since the 90s been declining as the country relies more on nuclear and hydroelectric sources. Despite the steadily decreasing production, Russia remains as one of the top 8 countries that produce the most coal in the world.
5. Indonesia
458 million tonnes
Indonesia has one of the top coal reserves in the world and is consistently on the list of the world’s top countries that produce the most coal in the world. Production increased rapidly since the 90s after foreign investments were once more allowed in the world’s largest archipelago.
4. Australia
492 million tonnes
Despite not being in the top ranks on this list of the 8 countries that produce the most coal in the world, Australia ranks second highest in the list of the world’s largest coal exporters. The majority of their coal production, mostly mined in the states of Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales, end up on the export market with East Asia as its primary recipients.
3. India
644 million tonnes
India’s coal mining industry is not just one of the largest in the world – thanks to a massive coal reserve. It is also one of the longest running. But it wasn’t until the nation gained independence that their coal production ballooned into one the world’s biggest, bagging the 3rd place in our list of the 8 countries that produce the most coal in the world.
2. USA
907 million tonnes
Like most first world countries, consumption and reliance on coal for electricity purposes have significantly declined in the US in the mid-2000s. From 50% reliance, coal now only accounts for over 30% of electricity supply. Coal is mined in the US in 25 states.
1. China
3,674 million tonnes
The number 1 country on this list of the 8 countries that produce the most coal in the world is also the world’s largest consumer of coal. China accounts for over 45% of all of the world’s coal production. Coal in China is primarily used for electricity generation.