8 Countries that Produce the Most Biofuels in the World

5. Indonesia

Production: 2,444,000

Between 2013 and 2014 Indonesia increased biofuels production by 40% which is the highest growth among 8 countries that produce the most biofuels in the world. The output of 2,444,000 constituted 3.5% of the global biofuels production. Indonesia, which is the largest palm oil producer, has put significant effort into increasing biodiesel production to reduce oil import and greenhouse emission on one side, and increase usage of tropic oil on the other. Last year the government increased biodiesel level in diesel fuel to 15% while also encouraging the production of biofuels through subsidies. However, a drop in crude oil prices at the beginning of 2016 interfered with subsidizing of domestic biodiesel supplies.

Countries that Produce the Most Biofuels in the World