8 Countries that Produce the Most Acid Rain in the World

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1. China

Acid Rain Score: 45

China is officially the biggest air polluter in the world and the sole ruler of our list of 8 countries that produce the most acid rain in the world. Thanks to the rapid industrialization, China is also the biggest iron and steel producer in the world and the number one country when it comes to coal consumption. According to the reports dating from 2011, 258 of China’s towns are affected by acid rains. The government is showing a lack of care and is still to take effective measures in reducing this huge problem. China doesn’t just produce acid rains on its own territory, but all across Asia; its reckless air pollution could not just have terrible consequences on the water and vegetation there, but also in the neighboring countries and further.

Countries that Produce the Most Acid Rain in the World

Hung Chung Chih/Shutterstock.com

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