8 Conspiracy Theories About The New World Order

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1. 10 Kings

Basing this theory on text from the Bible, the conspiracy regarding the ten kings states that ten nations will become more powerful than the rest, ending up in creating the New World Order. This is based on quotes from the Book of Revelation presenting the idea that a small group will gain the power to rule the world. This is seen as a prediction and most see the current G8 as a version of this theory.

Of course, there’s the difference in numbers, but that doesn’t really matter in the end. The Group of 8, also known as G8, is a political forum that includes France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the United States, Canada, and the European Union. It should be mentioned, of course, that Russia used to be a member too before it got suspended, and that the European Union isn’t exactly a single state, or King, to fit the prophecy.

Over the years, there have been many voices suggesting a new split of the world would be best for political and economical purposes, including the Club of Rome, a global think tank founded back in the 60s. The club discusses many issues, including the future of humanity, and it has been known for suggesting back in the 70s that splitting the world into 10 regions would be best. This, of course, has sent conspiracy theory fans in a tizzy, saying the end is nigh.

So there’s that to wrap up our 8 conspiracy theories about the New World Order.

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