8 Conspiracy Theories About The New World Order

2. End of Time

The Apocalypse has been predicted time and time again since … forever. It truly seems like people across the ages have always been pessimistic about humanity’s chances to live on this planet for a long time. Theories about the Apocalypse have reached the surface time and time again, mostly based on the Biblical end of all times.

Well, those who believe in the New World Order see the Apocalypse a little bit different from the classic balls of fire coming down on Earth type of ending. In fact, some believe that the creation of the New World Order itself represents the end of time, mainly the end of time as we know it. It’s all got some kind of Biblical backing behind it, namely a deal made with the Devil in order to gain the power to control the world.

apocalyptic-374208_1280 8 Conspiracy Theories About The New World Order