8 Conspiracy Theories About The New World Order

3. Zion

Published over a century ago, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is an anti-Semitic text trying to talk about this plan the Jewish people have to control the world. It was originally written in Russian and then translated to multiple other languages. The files appear to present the discussions taking place during a meeting of Jewish leaders plotting to take over the world on behalf of the Jewish people. The reason? Well, they were chosen by God, so they must rule.

Basically, behind all the secret societies of the world looking to get their hands on more power and more control stand a few select people of the Jewish faith. Either way, it is generally accepted that the author actually fabricated the entire thing. Not that it’s surprising, considering the anti-jew propaganda at the time, but it is rather unexpected that so many years later, some people continue to believe it to be true.

knowledge-1052010_1280 8 Conspiracy Theories About The New World Order