8 Conspiracy Theories About The New World Order

4. Freemasons

See? If it’s not the Illuminati looking to take over it must be the Freemasons. Unlike the first, however, the latter are a little bit more “real,” the fraternal organization freely admitting its existence. Much like the Illuminati, the Freemasons go back to the 17th century and they’ve been the topic of countless conspiracy theories over this period of time.

It was inevitable, of course, for their name to be tied to the New World Order theory as well. It is said that the Freemasons’ political agenda has global domination as the end goal. It all started a long time ago and some claim that the United States is a sort of trial for this, if you will, speculating the Founding Fathers were tied to Freemasonry. This led to those famous geometric designs usually tied to Freemasonry to be pushed onto US society. One example is the one-dollar bill. This theory has been rebuked time and time again, but some just won’t listen.

freemason-309722_1280 8 Conspiracy Theories About The New World Order