1. The Apple Case or “Operation Swiper“
One of the biggest identity theft cases in American history took place 10 years ago, in 2008. The theft included a $13 million crime ring specializing in selling Apple electronics overseas, according to Reuters. This operation indicted 111 people from Queens, New York. Reuters further writers that these crime rings or their bosses to be more specific received blank credit cards from their foreign suppliers from Russia, Libya, Lebanon, and China. Then, these bosses hired people to pose for jobs like waiters, etc., in order to use electronic devices and steal information from customer credit cards. They also forged credit cards and driver’s licenses. What they did is use these forged credit cards to shop all around the U.S. and then sell these items overseas. One of the biggest identity theft cases ever to occur in American history involved Amar Singh, one of the four bosses, and Neha Punjani Singh, a married couple who then plead guilty for the scam.