The best Star Wars books about Sith can be an interesting read even for someone who does not agree with the philosophy of the dark side of the force. Even more so for people who justify tapping into your anger, hate and fear when using the force. Unlike the 9 best Star Wars books every fan should read, these eight tomes of unadulterated Sith sagas and philosophy are centered around the unsung heroes of the Star Wars universe. Titled evil, sinister and morally rotten, the Sith represent everything an adept Jedi is, except on the other end of the “good” scale. However, if you think about it, is there something like bad or good that concerns the universe? Is there anything but “different” in the flow of the force? While suffering and letting your anger and temptations navigate your will are dubbed as bad, are they really affecting the vast gulf of time and space in any different way than anything else? Maybe they would and maybe they wouldn’t. One thing’s for sure, though – the Sith, however corrupted by the dark side, are nonetheless wise and powerful beings who, in certain cases, transcend being on any side of the force.
Let’s take a look at eight best Star Wars books about Sith which are ordered by their ratings on the popular site Goodreads.
8. Deceived (Star Wars: The Old Republic #2)
First off on our list of the best Star Wars books about Sith is the second book of the “Star Wars: The Old Republic” series, called “Deceived”. The book is based on the SW: The Old Republic MMO and follows the story of one of the most sinister Sith Lords that can be seen in the game’s world.
7. The Book of Sith : Secrets from the Dark Side
The Book of Sith can be described as the ultimate guide to Sith history and lore. The book contains texts left from the most important Sith and the comments left in it by the people who carried on the knowledge, including Darth Vader, Master Yoda and many more.
6. Shadow Hunter (Star Wars: Darth Maul #2)
The second book of the “Star Wars: Darth Maul” series, titled “Shadow Hunter” follows the development of probably the best known Sith character in the Star Wars universe. The book follows the story of Darth Maul engaging in the tough quest of protecting his master, Darth Sidious, from the dangers that await him.
5. Darth Plagueis
The fifth contender on our list of the best Star Wars books about Sith is titled “Darth Plagueis” and as you can draw from the title, it tells of an ancient Sith legend – the tragedy of Darth Plagueis. This Sith Lord is so powerful and wise that his command of the dark side of the force gives him control over life and death.
4. Revan (Star Wars: The Old Republic #1)
Revan, the first of the “Star Wars: The Old Republic” series follows the story of a sith-turned Jedi who in his effort to destroy the Republic is killed but then given his life back and set on a quest to fight his own creation while suffering from the incoherent hints of his nightmarish past that haunt him.
3. Rule of Two (Star Wars: Darth Bane #2)
The second book in the popular Darth Bane series takes the third spot on our list. “Rule of Two” continues the story of Darth Bane who, on his journey to supremacy, completely wipes out his own order and creates it anew. However, the newly formed rule has a very simple scheme – one master and one apprentice. In this book Bane meets his nemesis and is led to great new knowledge and power.
2. Dynasty of Evil (Star Wars: Darth Bane #3)
The second spot on our list goes to “Dynasty of Evil” which is the third installment of the Darth Bane book series that are enjoyed by many worldwide. This book tells us about Bane’s rule as the one Dark Lord in a new Sith order he established himself. In this new chapter of his journey, Darth Bane takes on the complex task of training his own apprentice.
1. Path of Destruction (Star Wars: Darth Bane #1)
The first spot on the list of the best Star Wars books about Sith goes to the first book of the Darth Bane series titled “Path of Destruction”. It tells us about the early days of Darth Bane when he was known as Dessel and worked in a mine. The book takes you through the story of how a dreamy young man went on to tap into the deepest layers of the dark side in order to survive in and dominate the Sith order.