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8 Best AirTag Alternatives That Are Actually Worth Buying

In this article, we will list the 8 best AirTag alternatives that are actually worth buying. If you want to skip our discussion about smart trackers, go to the 3 Best AirTag Alternatives That Are Actually Worth Buying

Smart Bluetooth Trackers like Apple’s AirTags are emerging as pivotal components in an era of technological advancements. The market is expected to experience an impressive cumulative annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.6% during the forecast period of 2021 to 2030. It was valued at $583 million in 2021 and is expected to reach a market size of $1,655 million by 2030. 

It is worth noting that smart trackers are a part of the much larger Internet of Things (IoT) market. The IoT market, as a whole, is experiencing even higher growth and is expected to reach $2,703 billion by 2032. Its growth is driven by automation, big data demand, and advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). 

Some of the factors influencing the growth of smart trackers include the rising number of smartphone owners. However, growth will be primarily driven by high-end phone users such as those of Apple’s iPhones and Samsung’s flagship phones. 

AirTag was launched with the motive of preventing the stealing and misplacing of iPhones. It was introduced as an accessory that works with Apple’s Find My app to help users keep track of and find things that are important to them. However, users have found various uses for AirTags and other Bluetooth smart trackers, including pet surveillance. 

While the smart tracker market is on a trajectory of growth, it has significant challenges ahead of it. There are concerns over privacy, data security, and technological obsolescence. A host of legal issues are being raised, which might shift the regulatory environment against them. More recently, an attempted class action lawsuit against Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL) is being allowed to proceed because the judge was convinced that there are negligence issues surrounding the AirTags trackers. However, since leading tech companies have already invested quite alot in their smart trackers, they are ready to take proactive measures and innovations to address these challenges. 

Devices like Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL)’s AirTags epitomize the fusion of innovation and utility. These Bluetooth smart trackers employ an array of technologies, including GPS, WiFi, RFID, and cellular networks to provide real-time or near-real-time monitoring and location tracking

Currently, the market is headed towards improving the ecosystem and app enhancement. Companies opening in the industry are building comprehensive ecosystems around their tracking devices, which go a mile or two beyond basic tracking. Creating and implementing a perfect ecosystem often involves the use of numerous technologies, including geofencing capabilities, crowd-sourced location tracking, and integration with other smartphone and IoT devices

Other trends prevalent in the market include a multi-technology approach and a focus on power efficiency and battery life. Most smart trackers today combine GPS, Bluetooth, and WiFI to ensure robust and efficient tracking solutions. In addition, manufacturers are now prioritizing extended battery life through efficient designs and optimized usage patterns. 

Some of the key players in the market include Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL), Tile, and Samsung. Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL)’s AirTags leads the market and are still the most popular type of tracking device. However, these can only be used with iPhones, which is why it is worth having a look at the best AirTag alternatives if you are an Android user. Tille is another prominent company that specializes in Bluetooth trackers for personal belongings. On the other hand, Samsung leverages its global presence to offer diverse smart tracking solutions.

Before diving into the list of the best AirTag alternatives, it is worth knowing how smart trackers and AirTag work. These trackers utilize a blend of wireless technologies, including Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Ultra-wideband (UWB) to track personal belongings. In the case of AirTag, it sends out a secure Bluetooth signal that nearby devices can detect within the Find My network. These devices then send the location of AirTag into the owner’s iCloud. While this is a smart approach, it also has a drawback as an AirTag needs an iPhone nearby to function. 

With that backdrop, let’s look at the 8 best Apple AirTag alternatives that are actually worth buying


To curate our list of the 8 best AppleAirtag alternatives that are actually worth buying, we devised an original methodology. First, we went to online forums to understand what people actually want in their smart trackers, and we boiled it down to the following factors: battery life, Bluetooth tracking range, affordability, and protection. After looking at several smart trackers and their features, we devised a point system. 

For battery life, we awarded 2 points to trackers that last a couple of days, 4 points to those that last a couple of weeks, and 5 points to those that last more than a month. For tracking range, we awarded 2 points for 10 meters or less, 3 points for 11 meters to 60 meters, 4 points for 61 to 100 meters, and 5 points for more than 100 meters range. For affordability, we awarded 3 points to trackers that cost more than $40, 4 points to those that cost less than $40 but more than $25, and 5 points to those that cost less than $25. For protection, we awarded 2 points to those that came with no protection, 3 points to weather resistant, 4 points to water resistant, and 5 points to waterproof trackers. Then, for each tracker, we summed the total and averaged it to arrive at the Insider Monkey Rating. The higher this rating, the higher the tracker ranked on our list. 

As tie breakers, we used tracking range, battery life, and affordability in order. For all the points awarded, we tried to refer to user experience rather than the company’s claim. It is worth noting that one of the trackers in our list is a pet collar, which we included because AirTags are sometimes used for pet surveillance.

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8 – Chipolo ONE Spot

Battery Life – 5 

Tracking Range – 3 

Affordability – 4

Protection – 4

Insider Monkey Rating – 4

Chipolo ONE Spot is one of the best Apple AirTag alternatives for iPhone users, as it works exclusively with Apple’s Find My app. The battery is replaceable and lasts for up to one year. The device has a tracking range of up to 60 meters. Its price is comparable to the Apple Airtag as one Chipolo ONE spot retails for around $29. The tracker features a compact design with a built-in key ring hole, which makes attaching it to keys quite easy.

7 – Cube Shadow

Battery Life – 5

Tracking Range – 3 

Affordability – 4

Protection – 5

Insider Monkey Rating – 4.3

Cube Shadow is 7th on our list of the 8 best Apple AirTag alternatives that are actually worth buying. It has a thin design, making it ideal for attaching to small items like wallets or keys. The device emits a ringtone that is audible within a reasonable range, helping users locate their belongings. The device comes with a tracking range of up to 200 feet, which is comparable to AirTags. One of the best things about the tracker is that it comes with a rechargeable battery, which lasts for up to sixty days on a single charge. 

6 – Tile Mate Bluetooth Tracker

Battery Life – 5

Tracking Range – 3

Affordability – 5

Protection – 4

Insider Monkey Rating – 4.3

Tile Mate Bluetooth Tracker is one of the most affordable trackers you can find. It is a simple yet efficient Bluetooth tracking device that makes it easy to find essential items such as keys and wallets. It offers two-way tracking functionality as the users can ring the tracker from their phones or ring their phones from the tracker. The tracker offers a 200-foot tracking range and emits a ringtone that is audible through obstacles such as walls or thick clothing. 

5 – Tile Pro

Battery Life – 5

Tracking Range – 4 

Affordability – 4

Protection – 4

Insider Monkey Rating – 4.3

Tile Pro is fifth on our list of the 8 best Apple Airtag alternatives that are actually worth buying. It is priced higher than the Tile Mate Bluetooth Tracker, which is why this one scores 4 in affordability. However, with the extra money comes additional range, which is why this one is ranked higher on our list. This tracker has a range of 400 feet, double that of the more affordable version. In addition, it is also capable of producing louder volumes compared to the Tile Mate. 

4 – Eufy Security SmartTrack Link

Battery Life – 5

Tracking Range – 4 

Affordability – 5

Protection – 4

Insider Monkey Rating – 4.5

Eufy Security SmartTrack Link is 4th on our list of the 8 best Apple AirTag alternatives that are actually worth buying. It is a credit card-sized Bluetooth tracker that integrates with Apple’s Find My app. The device is equipped with a loud alarm that can be activated to help users locate their belongings easily. However, one thing to note about Eufy Security SmartTrack Link is that it does not work with Android phones. 

Click to continue reading and see 3 Best AirTag Alternatives That Are Actually Worth Buying.

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Disclosure: none. 8 Best AirTag Alternatives That Are Actually Worth Buying is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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