7 Ways Weather Affects Human Behavior and Emotions

5. Friendliness

Feeling like hitchhiking? Drivers are more likely to pick up hitchhikers on sunny days than on cloudy days.

Looking for a date? Again, sunny days are your ally! A man approached women walking alone in the street and asked them for their phone numbers and had a success rate of 22.4% on sunny days compared to 13.9% on cloudy days.

People are also more likely to help strangers and leave bigger tips on a sunny day. It seems that people are as pleasant as the weather. They are more friendly, trusting, giving, and open to new possibilities when there’s sun and guarded if the weather is cloudy. Let’s see what’s next on our list of ways weather affects human behavior and emotions.

7 Ways Weather Affects Human Behavior and Emotions

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.com