1. Succinylcholine
Finally, we came to the drug part of our list of untraceable drugs and poisons that cause death in humans. Known also as Suxamethonium chloride, this drug is primarily used in medicine as a part of general anesthesia process. Succinylcholine causes short – term paralysis and lasts up to 10 minutes. This is of course when used by trained professionals and in a controlled environment. Despite its usage for a higher good, this drug also has a reputation for being a “perfect murder poison”. When used in the uncontrolled environment, the drug will cause the paralysis of the entire body including the respiratory organs, which will eventually lead to death by asphyxiation. The thing that makes it tricky for examiners is the fact that human body breaks down succinylcholine quickly, leaving no obvious traces. Still, it leaves clues and byproducts that are good indicators of succinylcholine being present in the bloodstream at some point.
