6. Cyanide
We are continuing our list of untraceable drugs and poisons that cause death in humans wit a cyanide that is mostly known as a weapon, despite its other uses. It was used notably in the World War II by Germans as a part of chemical warfare. You might be familiar with it from numerous books including Sparkling Cyanide from Agatha Christie. Common symptoms of cyanide poisoning are headaches, nausea, general weakness, vomiting and seizures followed by cardiac arrest. Large doses of cyanide cause death almost immediately due to respiratory and heart failures. In the past, cyanide was a preferred weapon of murderers because it was really hard to detect it. Unless there were traces of it on the crime scene, examiners had a small window measured in hours to find traces in the body. Now, there are markers developed by scientists that can detect cyanide in the body weeks later. Despite this, cyanide poisoning has remained popular. One of the most notable cases in the recent times was when Indonesian student used cyanide to poison her friend. She was found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

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