Conspiracy theorists must not be very busy in their day to day lives if they have the time to come up with all these crazy ideas about the world we live in, such as these 7 theories about the Illuminati and the New World Order.
To get things started, we’re going to talk about both the Illuminati and the New World Order, separately. The first is a fictitious group whose name literally means the “enlightened.” The name comes from the 18th-century secret society that stood against superstition, religious influence in the public life and the state’s abuse of power. The initial group was deemed illegal, along with the Freemasons, vilified and banned.

Anita Ponne/
Ever since then, there’s been no acknowledgement that the group was still active, unlike the Freemasons who publicly admit their existence, although they do continue to keep their secrets close to the vest.
Conspiracy theorists believe that the Illuminati run the world, controlling governments and corporations, leading it all towards the New World Order. This is where we carry on with the second part of our article. The New World Order refers to the creation of a totalitarian world government run by a secretive elite that has a globalist agenda. (If you are a fan of conspiracy theories in general, don’t skip our article on Roswell UFO conspiracy and 5 other alien conspiracy theories, as you will find many interesting things there, too.)
The concept involves the dismembering of states as we know them, to create a global nation run by this restricted number of people. Another theory implies splitting the world in ten, which is a more manageable number to control.
These two notions have been the source of countless conspiracy theories, which is funny because they are conspiracy theories by themselves. So here are 7 theories about the Illuminati and the New World Order.