3. Apple iPhone 7
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s iPhone 7 Plus is a beast when it comes to battery life. It has a gigantic 2,900mAH battery capacity, which is huge given the fact that Apple’s touted battery capacity is usually far less than its competitors’ devices, though its phones traditionally manage to offer tough competition to other devices in terms of battery power benchmark tests. Apple made space for the battery in its iPhone 7 Plus by removing the headphone jack and upped the battery performance by introducing the new A10 Fusion chip, which has two low-power and two high-power cores. The powerful core is used when you play a game or watch an HD video on the device, while the normal core is used to take care of basic, day-to-day tasks like messaging, browsing and emails. You can also fire up the Low-Power mode when the battery has slumped to under 20% power.

Anna Hoychuk/Shutterstock.com