7 Simple Ways of Making your Computer Run Faster

2. Use or Lose Some Software

On Windows you can benefit from using a more lightweight antivirus if you use one at all. If not, you deserve to be banished to PC hell or complimented on your excellent online habits, depending on why exactly. Make sure you get rid of all the nonsense “agents” and utilities that came preloaded on your computer (if any) or any software you don’t use.

Linux and Mac OS X don’t need antivirus software in most cases. On Linux, if you are a developer or someone who opens and closes programs a lot all the time, you could greatly benefit from installing Preload – a utility that keeps your software queued up and ready for you to open a program. If you only use your PC for casual activities, Preload can slow it down.

On all OSes you should look into using lighter, simpler applications of the paid, free or open source variety and don’t be afraid to use something different from what everyone else does.
