There are different ways to know what are the richest countries in Asia by 2015 GDP but one of the most common ways to know is by checking out the GDP per capita. There are different ways by which richness can be measured. For instance, a country may be rich in natural resources and can be full of promise yet its citizens live in poverty due to a variety of reasons.
In this case, the richest countries in Asia is rich is because of the way majority of people are living. This does not mean that there are no poor people living in these parts of Asia but most of the living conditions of people here are far better than those who are living in different parts of the world.

Fitria Ramli/
Gone are the days when Asia is not known to be a continent that is full of promise. Other continents were given more attention in the past but Asia is determined to show that it will rise up to the challenges of other countries. It will show that it will continue to grow by being more diverse in the things that they can offer not only amongst themselves but also to different parts of the world.
People may want to know the richest countries in the world by 2015 GDP but there are also a lot of people are interested to know which countries in Asia were able to make it to the list. Without further ado, here are the richest countries in Asia by 2015 GDP.
7. Israel – $34,770 GDP
Although it is known that millions of people who are living in Israel are mixed, this has not stopped its economy from growing over the past years. This country is located in Southwest Asia and it is considered to be one of the richest countries in that area. Its development is mostly based on the industrial and technological development although it also tends to be well known for its religion.
6. Japan – $36,899 GDP
Even though there are a lot of people living in Japan, this has not stopped the country from being one of the richest in Asia. It helps that it is one of the importers and exporters to and from the different parts of the world. It has a large economy and it is expected to grow more in the years to come.
5. Kuwait – $39, 706 GDP
This is one country that holds about 2.2 million people and some of the people here are migrant workers from different parts of the world. The main reason why it is one of the richest countries in Asia by 2015 GDP is because of its oil reserves. It is one of the biggest available in the world. Its high economy makes the lives of people who are living there more comfortable than in some parts of Asia.
4. Taiwan – $39, 767 GDP
While Taiwan used to be a country with a so-so economy, its economy started to grow after the 20th century. It has managed to embrace growth and change which made its economy grow bigger and stronger as the years passed by. Industrially, it has truly grown for the better.
3. Brunei – $55, 111 GDP
One of the most notable things about Brunei is the fact that it does not have any public debt. It is also the land of natural gas and petroleum. All over the world, it is the 5th richest because of the fuel industry.
2. Singapore – $64, 584 GDP
Although it did not seem apparent at first, Singapore has gotten bigger over the past years and this has managed to make it more influential when it comes to the issues of the world. Singapore has managed to grow to become a country wherein business is given a lot of attention. It is also known for its infrastructures that seem to grow more as years pass by.
1. Qatar – $98, 814 GDP
The main reason why Qatar is one of the richest countries in Asia by 2015 GDP is because of the fact that Qatar has a lot of petroleum and natural gas that the rest of the world needs. There is a small percentage of people living in Qatar who are considered millionaires but there are also a lot of the population who migrate to different countries depending on the season in order to work.
Here is the list of the richest countries in Asia by 2015 GDP. It may be different from last year and the figures can still change in the next years or so but hopefully, other countries will be able to gain some clues on how to follow these leaders in growth and development so that they can also expand and grow.