7 Over-the-Counter Diet Pills that Work Without Exercise

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Green Tea Extract

Green Tea Extract is an ingredient widely used in many weight loss supplements, so why not take it plain? Green Tea is a proven way to aid weight loss, as it not only contains caffeine, but also has many antioxidants, including EGCG, which has been shown to help burn fat. It has an especially good effect on burning fat in the belly area. You can also get the same benefits from drinking green tea, but if you like your tea like you like your drugs (in pill form), this may be the supplement for you. Again, it may be not as effective as some other supplements with complex and specifically engineered formulas, but it is all-natural and has lots of benefits.

Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com

Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com

This concludes our list of 7 over-the-counter diet pills that work without exercise. Keep in mind that there is no definitive proof that these pills actually work, aside from a few studies whose results may be questionable. Also, while these pills may work without exercise, they definitely won’t work without some changes in eating habits.

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