If you’re in need of a bit of a pick-me-up during a rough time, look no further than the most successful life coaches of all time.
The only life coach I’ve ever really had is Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off.” Anything that can’t be helped with that song is something that probably is never going to be helped ever, at least in my humble opinion. I’ve always found the idea of life coaches to be a little weird since the whole idea is someone teaching you how to live, but they often teach a specific skill or teach a lesson about how to handle certain scenarios, and that’s quite useful. When you go through a hard time it’s natural to believe you’re the only person in the world who’s ever dealt with it, but that’s never usually the case. There’s always someone who’s gone through something even slightly similar, which is why people turn to life coaches when the going gets tough.
Life coaches will often talk about their experiences and then give you motivation for how to be successful, avoid their mistakes, or get through a particularly tough thing. They tend to write books and then go around and tour and give talks to groups of people who found their books inspiring. It’s like the self-help section of Barnes & Noble but in real life where you can ask questions and feel truly immersed. If you’re not really into the life coach thing, you can check out the Most Successful Lifestyle Blogs in the World and get the same general idea, but a little less intense.
In order to find some life coaches, we scoured the web for some sources. One of our primary sources was Freedom Education. These sites provided some lists of popular life coaches. For our purposes in finding the most successful ones, we took the rankings from those sources and averaged each life coach’s position on them. This gave us the best estimate of success.
Without further ado, let’s check out the most successful life coaches of all time.
7. Mark Joyner
Mark Joyner is the owner of Simpleology, an app that aims to help you simplify your life and boost your productivity. Apart from being a life coach, Joyner is also a known entrepreneur with over 30 startups to his name. He’s recognized as the “father of online marketing” and he is known to be a pioneer in a lot of internet processes for businesses. And now let’s see what else we have in our list of most successful life coaches of all time.
6. Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy’s tagline is “achieve your goals” and it’s served as his mantra throughout his entire career. He offers leading self-development courses and provides coaching on time management, success, and leadership. He has almost 1.8 million followers on Facebook.
5. Michael Gerber
We are continuing our list of most successful life coaches of all time with Michael Gerber that is not only a great life coach, he’s a successful businessman. He’s been able to help tons of startups find success and coached individuals about life in general. He calls his life coaching strategy “Design, Build, Launch, and Grow,” which he says he applies to himself and his business, too.
4. Jay Abraham
Jay Abraham, the next one in our list of most successful life coaches of all time is the owner of the Abraham Group and a consultant for small and big companies. People have seen real results from his coaching and other life coaches look up to him as well.
3. Tony Robbins
Many people see Tony Robbins, the number three in our list of most successful life coaches of all time as the go-to when it comes to DISC assessments. He offers business and leadership coaching and has published many books about life and success. He’s a popular celebrity life coach and he also has a blog.
2. Esther Hicks
Esther Hicks is a Law of Attraction coach and accomplished author of self-help books. They’re said to be effective in finding success and purpose in life. She also offers CD and DVD subscriptions to her books. Her bestselling coaching materials prove that she is definitely one of the most successful life coaches of all time.
1. Lucinda Bassett
Lucinda Bassett specializes in depression and anxiety. Her website and coaching sessions are anchored in truth, which explains her tagline “truth be told.” She has a free video series that gives people a glimpse of her coaching style without spending any money. She’s been repeatedly featured on many TV shows, including Oprah.
Regardless of the kind of person you are, sometimes a life coach is helpful in organizing your life and motivating you for success. If you have the means, you should check out the most successful life coaches of all time for a little inspiration.