7 Most Sexually Active Presidents in American History

Happy Birthday, Mr. President, it’s time for the 7 most sexually active presidents in American history. 

I remember the Bill Clinton sex scandal like it was yesterday.  Redefining words like “sex’ and “is.”  This was definitely a landmark in American history, even if no one really wanted or wants it to be.  I mean, I certainly don’t.

That man and his saxophone–we probably should’ve seen it coming. Anyone who has that kind of chemistry with a wind instrument, well, you just have to keep an eye on them.  I would know, I played the saxophone for nearly two weeks.

According to Monica Lewinsky, the affair was consensual, although there is seemingly no way the power dynamic between a boss and subordinate, let alone The President and an intern–did not come into play.  Of course, the fallout from the consensual, two-sided and unprofessional affair burdened the woman much more so than the man. But that’s politics, and America, and literally everything except for male-pattern baldness.

But not all Presidential sex is scandalous. Some of it is just sexy and most of it is probably gross. We’re not talking about Scandal’s Fitz or even The West Wing’s Martin Sheen–not all of these guys are Barack Obama and JFK.

7 Most Sexually Active Presidents in American History


Still, President’s shy from any romantic limelight for the most part; they understandably want to keep their private lives… what’s the word? Private.  Aside from Presidential candidate’s making out with their wives. Political rating is the very important thing in politics. Sometimes the can be a lot of goodwill garnered by what the public views as a great sexual or romantic relationship. Although certainly this can backfire and also it’s pretty detestable to use your love as a means to gain political capital, but that doesn’t mean politicians haven’t been doing it for years.

We have already written about 11 Biggest Political Scandals of All Time, and in this article we are going to include even more indicators than the number of affairs and discover for you the 7 most sexually active presidents in American history. In order to find the most sexually active president, we did a lot of google searches and we had identified presidents who had any affair. For each president, we discovered the number of affairs, dates, kids, and marriages. We used data from Miller Center and Who’s Dated Who.

Here is the list of 7 most sexually active presidents in American history:

7. James Buchanan

James Buchan before he became President of United States, according to many historians including Jim Loewen, he had an affair and lived with former Vice President William Rufus King for many years. Buchanan, who served from 1857 to 1861, was very likely our first gay president. He is the only president to have remained a bachelor his whole life having his niece, Harriet Lane, handle First Lady duties. As mentioned he shared a home with William Rufus King, an Alabama Senator and VP under Franklin Pierce. Their relationship was reportedly so close that people called them the incredibly enlightened nicknames:  “Miss Nancy” and “Aunt Fancy”.  There are also clues in Buchanan’s letters describing his wooing gentleman and distaste for romances with women.

7 Most Sexually Active Presidents in American History

Everett Historical/Shutterstock.com


6. Andrew Jackson

We are continuing our list of most sexually active presidents in American history with Andrew Jackson that was married to Rachel Robards, a woman that has already been married to a violent and angry man. Things were complicated when she thought her first husband had filed for divorce and she married Jackson, yet the paperwork was unfinished. This caused the Jacksons to need an annulment and then to remarry. Later this brought accusations of infidelity, attacks on her character, and a smear campaign around the country. The stress from the 1928 election and the scandal it caused during the 1928 election may have contributed to her death later that same year. Yet, they were said to have truly been in love. Jackson even fought and killed a newspaper man in a duel over an attack on Rachel’s honor.


5. Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was the president known for the affair with a woman named Sally Hemings who was owned by Jefferson and of mixed race–she traveled with Jefferson to Paris and acted as his wife’s attendant in addition to caring for their children at different points in her life. Historians believe her to have given birth to 6 of Jefferson’s children, 4 of whom lived to become adults and Jackson freed them. This happened after Jefferson’s wife’s death. At least two of his children with Hemings, publicly claimed him as their father. Jefferson never freed Hemings, though his daughter did, unofficially after Jefferson’s death.

7 Most Sexually Active Presidents in American History

Everett Historical/Shutterstock.com


4. Grover Cleveland

One of 7 most sexually active presidents in American history is Grover Cleveland. He was married once and he had five children. As it is often the case in the presidential race, the opponent will always try to find the dirty secrets which could harm the reputation of the other candidate. That happened to President Cleveland, the news that he had to pay child support for Oscar Folsom to the widow Maria Crofts Halpin, which meant that he acknowledged the illegitimate child born outside the marriage. That was big news that shook the US at the time.

7 Most Sexually Active Presidents in American History

Everett Historical/Shutterstock.com


3. Bill Clinton

The third place on our list of most sexually active presidents in American history belongs to the President who is the best-known sexually for his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky who admitted that they had sex in the oval office. The President later lied about it under oath. This was a scandal of huge proportions, considering that he during all that time was married to later Presidential Candidate and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  Despite the fact that he had a numerous romantic relationship with 10 other women before he was married, he was married only once and is still married to Hillary Clinton with whom he has one daughter, Chelsea.

7 Most Sexually Active Presidents in American History

Anthony Correia/Shutterstock.com


2. Donald Trump

Donald Trump holds the second place on our list of most sexually active presidents in American history which is expected because he has always been a controversial person and when he campaigned for President many of his alleged affairs, consensual and non, were revealed. Numerous women accused him of sexual assault, there was also a video of him making a very lewd comment about women which leaked in the media, and during his presidency there has already been a scandal that he is being accused of using the service of several prostitutes during his visit to Moscow. Apart from that, it is known that he had been into 5 relationships, between and before marriage. Regarding marriages, he had been married 3 times and has 5 children from those marriages. He is currently married to Melania Trump with whom he has one son.

7 Most Sexually Active Presidents in American History

Christopher Halloran / Shutterstock.com


1. John F. Kennedy

The first place of our list 7 most sexually active presidents in American history is John F. Kennedy. President Kennedy was in the center of one of the most famous love affairs of all time, which included actress Marilyn Monroe. Apart from that affair, he had been accused of cheating on his wife with a lot of women including Judith Campbell Exner and Mimi Afford. He had been married twice and had 3 kids, but he is known for dating a large number of women. Because he had dated as many as 30 women, got married twice, had 3 kids and the fact that he had numerous affairs during his marriage he deserved the first place on our list as the most sexually active president.

7 Most Sexually Active Presidents in American History

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