7 Most Profitable Jobs in Education

To the uninitiated, the most profitable jobs in education are more a legend than a fact. After all, jobs in the academe are almost always synonymous to overworked, underpaid teachers who – despite the disparity between workload and take-home pay – remain overzealous in educating the future generation.

But jobs in education are as diverse as they can get and there are several jobs in education that are paid more than usual. This list, based on the data provided by Forbes and Top Education Degrees, have median annual incomes that don’t go lower than $90,000. The figures presented on this list are estimates and vary depending on the university and the state, as well as other factors including specific qualifications, education credits, and tenure in service among others. Even though the data on these sources is somewhat old, chances are not much has changed since then and jobs listed below are still among the most profitable jobs in education that can be found.

7 Most Profitable Jobs in Education

Evgeny Vorobiev/Shutterstock.com

If you have a passion for rearing young minds but also want to earn a lot, here is a list the most profitable jobs in education that you should aim for! And, don’t forget to check out our other article on the 11 most profitable Japanese companies.

Let’s start with the countdown!

7. Atmospheric, Earth, Marine and Space Science Teacher

Average Annual Salary: $91,350

Love for the sciences apparently pays off a lot if you get enough post-college education to qualify for a teaching job. This position averages over $91,000 a year that could go even higher with further higher education and tenure credits. Entry-level at this job requires, at least, a Master’s Degree in a specific scientific field.

7 Most Profitable Jobs in Education

wavebreakmedia / shutterstock.com

6. Academic Dean

Average Annual Salary: $92,438

One of the most profitable jobs in education also happens to be one of the most challenging to earn. Aside from post-graduate degrees, becoming an academic dean primarily requires tenure in the institution. Deans are appointed by the university/college administration from among its existing teaching team who has in-depth and first-hand knowledge of the academic institution and the academic program.

7 Most Profitable Jobs in Education

Pete Spiro/Shutterstock.com

5. Economics Teachers

Average Annual Salary: $94,450

Do you think that being an economics professor is not exciting? Think again. Aside from its irresistible income offer that has made it one of the most profitable jobs in education, it is also one of the best if you don’t want stress. Being an economics teacher has also ranked among the 11 high-paying jobs for people who don’t like stress. If you’re currently completing an Economics degree, make sure to go further with at least a Master’s degree to qualify for a professorship.

7 Most Profitable Jobs in Education


4. Engineering Teacher

Average Annual Salary: $97,260

Engineers don’t become engineers without the help of qualified teachers. So with the right education (post-grad degree) and a solid experience in the field, a teaching position in the engineering department of your university will easily earn you close to $100,000 annually.

7 Most Profitable Jobs in Education

Andor Bujdoso/Shutterstock.com

3. Health Specialties Teacher

Average Annual Salary: $99, 210

Medical professionals and healthcare specialists like doctors, laboratory technicians, and medical consultants are not only needed in hospitals; they are also in demand in the classrooms of medical schools. Because of the level of expertise and the higher levels of education required, teaching medical courses earns quite the hefty sum.

7 Most Profitable Jobs in Education

Timothy R. Nichols/Shutterstock.com

2. Law Professor

Average Annual Salary: $108, 760

The law profession is one of the most important and one of the most difficult careers out there. And it is just as difficult to become one, so it is only logical that the teaching staff includes some of the best and most competent lawyers around. With such a demand for qualification, one can only expect for it to be compensated quite sufficiently.

7 Most Profitable Jobs in Education

Andrey Burmakin/Shutterstock.com

1. University President

Average Annual Salary: $259,624

Running a classroom is difficult enough. Imagine running an entire university! It is understandable why being the university president (or chancellor in other institutions) deserves a huge salary. The presidency requires education beyond the Master’s Degree and specialization in fields that include planning and running an academic institution. I guess no one is surprised to see university president as the number one most profitable job in education you can get!

7 Most Profitable Jobs in Education

Marcio Jose Bastos Silva/Shutterstock.com