7 Most Profitable Cryptocurrencies and Coins to Mine in 2017


 Market cap: $2.3 billion

DASH cryptocurrency, or digital cash, as it is advertised, stands for one of the big players in our list of most profitable cryptocurrencies and coins to mine in 2017. DASH is a complete digital cash management platform which you can use to transfer your money anywhere in the world, i.e., you can make private payments, transactions and what is more, its fee is lower than Bitcoin’s. By the way, it was previously known as Xcoin and Darkcoin.

How to mine DASH, you may wonder? Just use x11. Interestingly, DASH was the first coin to be mined by it. x11 is an algorithm which uses 11 different algorithms which are connected in a chain. That should serve your cryptocurrency better.

7 Most Profitable Cryptocurrencies and Coins to Mine in 2017
