Prestige and money do not always go together with regards to the most prestigious jobs in America. This is what was discovered when a recent poll on prestigious jobs was carried out. You will be surprised to hear that occupations like police officers and firefighters, which are not very lucrative, are also included in the list of most prestigious jobs.
Americans are also mixed on how they rate certain jobs. Actually, opinions are evenly split with regards to how entertainers, Congress members, farmers, journalists, actors and entertainers are perceived. These divisions are usually along age groups, with younger people below 50 years thinking highly of athletes and actors, in contrast with people above 50 years who hold a different opinion.
Interestingly, while doctors also top the most respected professions that also pay well, most parents in America still encourage their children to study engineering. This is mainly because of the prestige that comes with being an engineer. Nevertheless, the medical sector remains as one of the highly respected occupations.

When examining prestigious jobs, this is basically a socially constructed factor and something which is dependent on the perceptions of external forces. Of course, money plays a big role in determining prestige. Even though money is not considered as the only defining factor, however prestige is based on how much a certain occupation is believed to make. You also have to remember that there are some jobs that are still prestigious even though not much money is earned from doing those jobs.
The other element that is used when determining prestige is the level power associated with certain jobs. For instance, a lawyer may be considered as a very prestigious position due to the power in the American legal system. In the same light, a university professor is also considered as prestigious since it is believed to act as the apex of knowledge and intellectual power. The following are the most prestigious jobs in America.
7. Lawyer
Having the power of either fighting for the rights of people or defending innocent people successfully are among the key reasons why being a lawyer is considered prestigious. Enrollment in many law schools across America has even increased significantly over the last couple of years.

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6. Professor
Besides from guaranteed job security, being a professor is very prestigious. This is because professors impart knowledge to the top students and the constant interaction with other bright people also ensures that they remain updated with regards to academic knowledge. There is also the possibility of getting grants to test out innovative theories.
5. Engineers
With 69% of the vote, engineers are considered the fifth most prestigious jobs in America. According to several poll results, electrical, computer and mechanical engineers are believed to have the highest job demand with degrees in environmental and civil engineering being on the rise. Furthermore, engineering was voted above doctors as the profession that most parents would want their kids to pursue.
4. Scientists
Regardless of the specific scientific work, whether, food and agricultural, biochemists, biologists, economists, conservation scientists, environmental scientists and meteorologists among other, scientists are also highly respected. This may be because scientists conduct some of the most complex experimentations as well as manage huge laboratory teams to ascertain the reliability and quality of their scientific research.
3. Firefighters
Ranked among the top respectable professions, firefighters are regarded to be doing a very honorable job. First responders to emergencies have conventionally been seen as very respectable people, particularly following the terror attacks of September 11 in 2001.
2. Military officers
Military officers serving in America’s armies are actually very well respected, with 78% saying it is the most prestigious job. The prestige linked to military offices is a combination of respect, admiration and envy. Most Americans believe that the army greatly contributes to the welfare, happiness and health of the society. This prestige is also associated with intensive training that military officers have to undergo to gain their highly respected status.
1. Doctors
The most prestigious job with a rating of 88% is being a doctor. Both nurses and doctors are believed to have lots of prestige. The medical profession also has the highest honesty and ethical standards compared to other professions. This prestige could also have to do with the fact that becoming a doctor requires a very extensive learning period, which is usually under the thorough review from your peers.
There you go; these are the most prestigious jobs in America at the moment that most people would want to pursue or their kids to pursue.