7 Medically Proven Weight Loss Supplements that Work

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1. Whey Protein

While Whey Protein is a must-have product in the cupboard of every gym rat, it can also help with weight loss for those who aren’t so committed to building muscle. Whey protein, which is made from milk, helps you lose weight through appetite suppression. However, taken in combination with exercise, it helps build muscle due to its high levels of amino-acids. In turn, more muscle also helps with weight loss, because muscle mass requires more calories even while at rest than body fat.

These are just seven medically proven weight loss supplements that work and there are probably others. Many of the products presented in this article can be obtained through regular food and don’t necessarily require buying a special supplement, although doing so might be more effective. However, no matter how good the supplement is, its effectiveness is limited by the person’s diet and commitment to losing weight.

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