Rather than spending your summer break bored in the house, you can check out the highest paying part-time jobs for teens and earn some money while doing something interesting. Part time jobs are more than a way of spending your holiday, as they also offer you the chance to get some working experience. It gives teens an understanding of the dynamics of job life and inculcates various work values such as punctuality, time management, teamwork and professionalism.
Summers are usually very long, with temperatures rising considerably making too uncomfortable to go out. Even if you live near a beach, going there daily may not be a feasible option. Thus, this is a great time to look for the highest paying summer jobs for teens and see if you are interested in doing any of them.
For teens there is the obvious benefit of earning some money to spend on something they have been yearning for a long time, or simply spending without worrying. The feeling of earning and spending your own money is definitely unmatchable. Moreover, it also helps teens to be more responsible with their finances from an early age, which is an irreplaceable skill that will last a lifetime.
Nevertheless, it is also good to note that sometimes you could get stuck doing work that pays in peanuts, and is also unfulfilling. Therefore, it is prudent to do the necessary research and make a wise choice that is in line with your future career and also amongst the best paying jobs for teenagers.
All things considered, part-time jobs in the summer are enjoyable as well. It is about doing meaningful things in your idle time. This can also be a good way of socializing and interacting with different people. So let us now look at the highest paying part-time jobs for teens.
7. Lifeguard
If you are a strong swimmer, then you should consider being a lifeguard as a possible part time job during summer. The best benefit of this job is that it takes you exactly where you like spending your summers, whether at the local beach or poolside in a resort. With far greater responsibilities, the rewards are also greater. Teens with a lifeguarding experience are also considered as better decision makers, which will help them in their future jobs. Expect around $9 for each hour, with lots of the activity centered on watching out for emergencies and safety tips.
6. Landscaper
It is likely that lots of homes in your neighborhood require some assistance around their yards. These maintenance activities include lawn mowing during the summer and spring, to raking and shoveling in the fall and winter respectively. Your neighbors will definitely feel better paying a local teenager, rather than a costly landscaping company. Other pros of this job include the fact that it is a great exercise as well as a good way of interacting with your neighbors.
5. Babysitter
Teens can earn more than $12 per hour doing average babysitting duties. This is fairly easy work that largely occurs indoors playing with kids as well as learning how to be a responsible person. With a high job satisfaction level, there is simply no substitute for the joys you will gain from caring for the little kids.
4. Product merchandiser
The 4th on this compilation of the highest paying part-time jobs for teens is retail sales or product merchandising duties. These duties can range from customer assistance, product demonstrations, stocking shelves, tracking inventories and also giving out product samples. This is an excellent start for teens that are planning on working in the sales industry at some point in the future.
3. Pet sitter
Another excellent part-time job for teens is pet sitting. This is particularly great for teens that love animals and are excited about spending time with loving pets and still earn good money for it. On average, the pay ranges from $12 to $15 and the work is usually very easy.
2. Tutor
If you like teaching and or you just love a certain subject; you should definitely consider being a tutor. Consult with your local library and guidance counselor about current job opportunities. Actually, you could also start a tutoring business at home and get money that way.
1. Caddy
Being a caddy is not only among the highly coveted job opportunities amongst teens, but it is also one of the highest paying jobs. For people who love the outdoors, then this is the perfect job. You will also get the benefit of learning about golf. Pay can range from $50 to $100 for just a couple hours of work.
Now your summers need not be boring as you have a selection of the highest paying part-time jobs for teens.