7 Facts About Gay Conversion Camps and Homosexuality Cures

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1. Gay conversion camps are mostly run by religious organizations

Were you wondering how a kid could be tortured and lied to, not to mention held against his will, and the United States government did not do a single thing about it? This did not take place in some third world country, where religion governs the law and no action is taken against instigators of crime, this happened in the most powerful country in the world. However, the United States allows such acts to be committed due to its belief in religious freedom, which, unfortunately, has taken to mean religious organizations can do anything without repercussions because of freedom everybody has! Also, isn’t it ironic that while religious movements extol the virtues of prayer, they engage in good old fashioned tortured to get their point across? It is amazing what blind faith can lead to. I sincerely hope that these facts about gay conversion camps and homosexuality cures have raised awareness regarding the atrocities being committed in their name and the systematic torture of homosexuals being carried out.

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