7 Easiest GED States: How to Pass the GED Test Fast

3. Wyoming

Pass Rate: 93.1%

The number of adults who are living without high school credential in Wyoming isn’t that alarming considering the fact that the total population in this state is 586,107. Back in 2013, 1,952 people who didn’t have a high school credential decided to try their luck and signed up for the GED test. 1,591 people completed the test while 1,482 people passed the test. The completion rate for GED test in this state is 81.5% while the pass rate is 93.1%. Now, let’s see which are the top two easiest GED states: how to pass the GED test fast.

7 Easiest GED States: How To Pass The GED Test Fast

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.com