The 7 easiest fruit to draw, might well be the ones that are good for you , think grape, cherry, banana, pear, peach, apple and orange. We think of drawing as an art form and the artist’s use of line to make a picture. It’s one of the most primitive skills humans possess, from cave man to Michelangelo, from graffiti to architectural designs, from artists sketches to your children’s drawing.
By definition, drawing can be also expanded to include the use of color, shading and other elements in order to create something beautiful and meaningful. And what could be more precious than having those colorful drawings at the refrigerator door, and thinking that your little one might become an artist one day? So, selecting the 7 easiest fruits to draw it’s a good start for adults and their little ones, to sharpen their drawing skills.
Drawing hasn’t changed much, it appeared back in 30.000 to 10.000 B.C when drawings were found on walls of caves in France and Spain. I don’t even think fruits were part of their diet back then, but those ancient drawings were created with scratching carving and painting with primitive tools. But nothing seems so colorful as a variety of fruits in a fruit basket ready to be drawn, but what are the 7 easiest fruit to draw? Drawing has significant meaning to artists because it represents a way of expressing their feelings for something as well as for some person or group of people regardless whether they love them or hate them. So I wonder if people would choose their favorite fruits to draw or they would use stick with the easiest ones.

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A lot of famous artists used to draw fruits in order to express some feelings and emotions. There are a number of paintings, but among most famous are Flowers and Fruit by Balthasar Van Der Ast, A Still Life Of Apples by Lessur Ury, A Still Life with a Bawl of Fruit by Antoine Vollon and Momentary Lapse of Reason by Anthony J. Waichulis. So, age doesn’t seem to be a factor when it comes to drawing as my daughter loves drawing, my husband’s grandma went to Art school at 60 years of age to learn how to draw, and according to my husband, the only talent I have is to draw. Well, I am not good at drawing fruits as I prefer drawing faces but perhaps watching these videos of the 7 easiest ways to draw I might look at the fruits in my fruit basket in a different way. And how would you start drawing?
Fruits are easy to draw for beginners because of their simple shapes and forms. Some are more complicated for drawing than others, that’s why we created the list of 7 easiest fruit to draw in order to help you find your starting point. Actually we recently published an article about 6 Easiest Countries to Draw and you can draw some of these countries in less than 30 seconds.
When it comes to drawing, the professional artists don’t look for something easy to draw, it doesn’t matter to them whether an apple is easy to draw or is hard, they start making lines with their hand and invest so much time until they are satisfied with the result they got. For professional artists, there is no big difference between these fruits, if you want something to look good you must invest time as well as effort and love. This way the result will be impeccable.
If you want to learn how to draw, you can start with these 7 easiest fruit to draw, but you must also learn a few drawing techniques in order to better understand the process. The most basic drawing techniques are scumbling, hatching, cross-hatching and stipping.
Scumbling is a technique where the artist is moving the pencil in small, circular motions keeping them all very compact.
Hatching is a technique with simple marking out small lines bushed together to create fill color from further away.
Cross-hatching is the same process like hatching but the process is repeated in the opposite direction.
The stipping drawing technique also uses the same principle as hatching but the lines are very small and they look like small dashes.
Fruits are easy to draw for beginners because of their simple shapes and forms. Some are more complicated for drawing than others, that’s why we created the list of 7 easiest fruit to draw in order to help you find your starting point. If you want to draw fruits you must also keep in mind the angle, or if you draw them on a table, and you want to add some elements on the background, you must think about their size. They must look real, like if the element is behind the fruit, you must draw it smaller, this way your painting will look more real.
In order to create the most accurate list of 7 easiest fruit to draw we did a research of fruit’s shapes and forms, and came up with grape, cherry, banana, pear, peach, apple, and orange as we collected people’s opinions on WikiHow so we can see how challenging drawing an specific fruit can be.
7. Grape
Grape is easy to draw because of its small circle forms, first, you need to outline the silhouette of the vines and a few grapes that are closest to it. Then you have to outline the list with the ragged edges. Later you can continue drawing the rest of the grape.
6. Cherry
In order to draw a cherry, first, you need to start with drawing a circle. With this, your cherry is almost finished. Then with using two curved lines, you can draw the stem of the cherry where you can add the list.
5. Banana
Banana has a simple shape, design and usually, their draw forms are easy. You can start with creating a gentle curve, then on the center of the curve draw a circle, this will show you the width of the banana, then from the edge of the circle draw another curve, repeat this step until you have a crescent shape.
4. Pear
Pear, unlike most of the fruits, doesn’t have that perfect shape. If we consider different types of pears, we can see that its shape vary a bit. But anyway, when it comes to its coloring, you will find it interesting and easy.
3. Peach
People aren’t struggling much when drawing this well-rounded fruit. When it comes to its colors, there are shades mostly of red, orange and yellow. With a little practice and combining this colors, you will be ready to draw your first perfect peach.
2. Apple
Green apple is the easiest variant to draw. When we talk about its shape, like most of the fruits, apple is almost perfectly rounded.
1. Orange
Not by mistake, orange found its way on the top of our list. Because of its simplest shape, and its orange color without so many shades, you can learn how to draw a simple but beautiful painting.
We hope you will find the fruit which most appeals to your drawing skills and improve with these 7 easiest fruit to draw. However, with practice, you can learn to draw beautiful things. If you want to advance your drawing skills you can try these 6 easiest countries to draw.