7 Easiest Frauds to Commit and Make Money (Updated)

5. Emergency call (Grandparent scheme)

Here’s another uncomplicated fraud, next on our list of easiest frauds to commit and make money that plays on people’s feelings. It takes a bit of digging, i.e. finding some personal details of your victims or hacking into their email addresses, though with so many people on social media, personal information is shared publicly more than we are willing to admit. In this scenario, you have prepared a story about some emergency that happened, and the victim’s grandchild/friend/relative needs cash as soon as possible. The emergency can be an arrest, a mug, accident, calling from a hospital, etc. Just use your imagination, and plead urgently and desperately for money, or else something awful will happen. One of the popular variations is when the grandparents are called because their beloved grandchild is hurt badly. Ethical? No. Easy? Definitely.

7 Easiest Frauds to Commit and Make Money
