6. Zeta Phi Rho
Zeta Phi Rho, one of the easiest fraternities to get into, has existed since 1995 and is full of self-praise at its website (much like all the others). It is very numerous now and has nine chapters across the state. Their aims are improving the campus and environment by promoting scholarship, leadership and respect for women. The accent is on building a strong multicultural community. They state there are no special requirements during rush week. Everyone is welcome to take a look, without any special tasks or requirements. Where’s the catch? Probably in the fact that there used to be some hazing involved, but they officially don’t have such practice anymore. The hazing incidents reported by Poly Centric involve different physical challenges such as push ups, drills, sprints, etc. as a form of physical punishment. Due to that, they were sanctioned by Cal Poly Pomona college.