3. Switzerland
With the average salary of €4,786 and unemployment rate of 3.3%, this country that ranks 3rd in our list of easiest European countries to get work visa may freely be regarded as a heaven for workers, and we know that probably anyone would be interested in getting a job and work visa to start working in Switzerland. The fifth of the population of this amazing country are foreigners, so if you look it from that perspective, you will probably think that this can be done freely. However, due to some recent events, Switzerland actually lowered the annual quota for the obtaining work permits for foreigners, so you need to be an outstanding candidate in order to get one. If you are a university degree holder, qualified worker, manager, specialist in any kind of field, desirably IT or similar, your application is likely to be accepted, but you need to find an employer before you come to Switzerland. Once the employer agrees to give you the job, the other issues are to be done by the company, since it needs to send your documents to the local cantonal employment service, which will transfer it to the Federal Office for Migration. The whole process, from getting the job offer until the moment you get your work permit may from 3 to 12 weeks. Knowing the language is a must, so do not wait for a second longer and start a course!
