If you consider yourself a true cigar smoker, then make sure your cigars of choice come from one of these 7 countries that make the best cigars in the world.
Smoking is one of the most common vices in the whole wide world. Some even refer to smoking as a recreational drug use, no matter if its marijuana or tobacco that’s being smoked. The history of smoking dates to ancient history. According to the experts, smoking can be traced as far as 5000BC. In some cultures, smoking has even become a part of that same culture and a ritual. One of the most known rituals of that kind is a Ceremonial pipe or Peace pipe used by Native Americans.
The fact that smoking causes a number of deadly illnesses don’t stop people from practicing it. It’s estimated that more than one billion people across the world enjoy in tobacco smoking on a daily basis. According to the report from 2007 made by West, Robert and Shiffman, Saul “each year, about 4.9 million people worldwide die as a result of smoking” and “smoking-related diseases have been shown to kill approximately half of long term smokers when compared to average mortality rates faced by non-smokers.”
Although these facts are known to most of the smokers, the number of smokers is increasing. Along with the health organizations, governments are also trying to fight this vice by restricting the places where smoking is allowed and raising taxes on tobacco products. If you think that spending money on a brand new car is better than wasting it on smoking, check out 7 countries that make the best cars in the world, before you make the investment.
Out of many forms of smoking tobacco, cigarettes and cigars are among the most popular ones. Although some think it’s the same thing, there is one major distinction between them. While cigarettes contain cut tobacco rolled in paper, cigars are filled with a bunch of tobacco leaves and rolled in special kind of tobacco leaves called wrappers.
To determine 7 countries that make the best cigars in the world, we took lists of top cigars for 2014 made by two most prestigious magazines for cigars, Cigar Aficionado, and Cigar Advisor. For each cigar on the list we gave one point to the manufacturing country. We supplemented the ranking with the list of top 10 countries that grow cigar tobacco from JrCigars and gave them points from 1 to 10. After summing up the scores, we found out the true masters of cigar manufacturing.
7. Brazil
Points: 4
Brazil has become the greatest South American cigar producer in the recent years. Most of the cigar production is centered in Bahia and east coast of Brazil. Brazilian tobacco is well appreciated in the cigar industry, especially the one used for wrappers. Some of the most notable brands of cigars that come from Brazil are Alonso Menendez, Angelina, and Aquarius.
6. Ecuador
Points: 5
Ecuador cigars are especially popular because of their high-quality wrappers that enhance the smoking experience. Wrapper tobacco grown in Ecuador is highly used in the most popular brands of cigars, and Ecuador has decided to embrace it by developing its own cigar industry. The most notable brands are Aray & Sons, Capafina and Ecuapuros.
5. Mexico
Points: 5
Cigars produced in Mexico are considered hidden gems in the cigar community. While some think of them as cheap and short of quality, the restrictions impelled by the Mexican government on the tobacco industry are mostly the reason why. Now the restrictions are less harsh, and the tobacco industry is on the rise. Mexican tobacco is widely used as fillers for a lot of cigar brands produced in other countries. Some of the most known brands of cigar produced in Mexico are Aroma De San Andreas, Hoja De Mexicali, and Julio Cesar.
4. Honduras
Points: 9
The rise of Honduran tobacco industry and cigar manufacturing began when Cuba nationalized the cigar industry in the 60s. Some of the major cigar producers decided to come to Honduras and resume their production there. Honduras is in the second place when it comes to cigar export in the USA. Cigars from Honduras are known to be stronger than those produced in other countries. Most notable brands are: Camacho, Punch, and Hoyo de Monterrey.
3. Cuba
Points: 13
When the Cuba nationalized the cigar industry, almost all the cigar manufacturers fled in other neighbor countries. After the embargo from the USA, things just got harder. That is the main reason why Cuba is not a leader in cigar industry anymore and a leader in 7 countries that make the best cigars in the world, although Cuban cigars are the most famous in the world. Many tobacco experts think that Cuban soil is perfect for tobacco growth and that Cuban tobacco is the finest from them all. Most notable brand produced in Cuba now is Partagas.
2. Nicaragua
Points: 21
Nicaraguan rise in cigar manufacturing began in the 60s when some families from Cuba found out that there is a good soil for tobacco growth. The center of cigar industry is town Esteli where 36 companies are producing and exporting some of the world’s finest cigars. The tobacco industry in Nicaragua is growing by the year and represents 28% of Nicaragua’s total exports. Most notable brands are: Padrón, Oliva, and Joya de Nicaragua.
1. Dominican Republic
Points: 24
Dominican Republic is the largest exporter of the cigars to the USA and a leader in 7 countries that make the best cigars in the world. Like in Nicaragua and Honduras, Cuban cigar families were to thank for the cigar industry growth in the Dominican Republic, too. Although cigar manufacturing in the Dominican Republic has a long history, it’s only after the Cubans came and the USA forbid import from Cuba, the Dominican Republic became a force in cigar production. Alongside Nicaraguan, Dominican cigars are the most appreciated ones. Notable brands are: Arturo Fuente, Ramon Allones, and La Gloria Cubana.