7 Chemicals in Cigarettes That Cause Heart Disease

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Everyone knows they shouldn’t smoke, but to find out exactly why this is true, read the 7 Chemicals in Cigarettes That Cause Heart Disease. Can something as small as a cigarette really be that harmful? The answer is yes. The 7 Chemicals in Cigarettes that Cause Cancer shows some of the ways. But cancer isn’t the only health problem caused by cigarettes. There are many more, including respiratory infections, infertility, poor vision, strokes, too much blood clotting, bad teeth, pregnancy problems, COPD, aneurysms and most of all heart disease.

smoking, unhealthy, heart, disease, black, tobacco, sick, dead, smoke, stop, background, 7 Chemicals in Cigarettes That Cause Heart Disease

Mr. SUTTIPON YAKHAM/Shutterstock.com

Smoking causes all types of cardiovascular diseases, mild and severe. Coronary heart diseases from chest pains (angina) to heart failure and heart attacks can all be related to smoking. In the 7 Chemicals in Cigarettes That Cause Heart Disease, discover some of the 4,000 cigarette substances that are harmful to your heart.


7. Nicotine

The Quit Smoking Community states that this chemical raises blood pressure, thereby increasing the risk of heart attack. Nicotine is highly addictive and causes a “buzz” feeling and increased energy in smokers. But what those smokers don’t know is that their heart rate is accelerating unnecessarily when exposed to this chemical and the heart is forced to work harder and faster than normal. However, in order to get rid of these harmful effects, you can’t just stop smoking cigarettes. Nicotine patches and smokeless tobacco also contain the chemical and produce the same effects.

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