7 Cheapest Places in Mexico To Vacation

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There are tons of place to vacation, but the cheapest places in Mexico to vacation at might be a bit more of interest to those who are trying to save a few bucks. We all work very hard for our vacation time, sometimes saving for a year or more. So when the time hits to actually pack your bags and go, it would be a shame to squander all of your cash in one go. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an incredible vacation without spending every last dime in your account?

Well, we have a list that might help you do just that. These are some of the cheapest places in Mexico to vacation. Don’t let this make you think that you’re giving up any fun or beautiful sites though. These places will still provide you with a phenomenal getaway. Since you’re saving a few extra bucks by going to these spots, you can also feel free to delve a bit more into some of the fun activities. If you’re in a popular resort area, you might have to hoard your change because your spending so much on accommodation, food and drinks.

There are some really great places to visit in Mexico that are beautiful and safe, but not all of them are money conscious spots. Save that money for more experiences by going to spots that are on the map, but not totally inundated with tourists. A huge touristy resort town equals disaster for your wallet.  Shell out some extra cash for a fun diving tour, a surf board rental for the week or perhaps a truly magnificent piece of art to bring home. You can choose to be a bit more free with your money since you won’t be spending tons of it just on a room to lay your head down at night. These spots are more family ran rather than taken over by large resorts. Now with your wallet a bit fatter, choose a few of your favorite cheaper places to vacation in Mexico at!

7. Todos Santos

This is the escape you might have been looking for. While there are hoards of tourists flocking to the nearby Cabo San Lucas, you can chill in an equally beautiful but much more chilled out place here in Todos Santos. This also means a cheaper holiday for you because it’s not as popular yet. The surf is swell, the art is eclectic, and the mountain backdrop helps make this a stunning getaway.

Jaroslaw Grudzinski/Shutterstock.com

Jaroslaw Grudzinski/Shutterstock.com

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