The cheapest cities to live in Asia are not just some remote testaments to human civilization, they are absolutely as pleasant and full of opportunities as many of their significantly more expensive counterparts. Found in the 10 cheapest countries to live in Asia, these cities are a viable option for someone looking to settle down for a while during a very long trip as well as people who want to experience life in a way they have never before. Some of these cheapest cities are also a very attractive option for the ones who wish to experience living in another part of the world after their retirement. With prices like the ones that can be found there, a moderate amount of savings can give you a great period of carelessness. No matter whether you plan to stay or leave, getting by for a while in these places should prove easy enough, especially if you come from a western country or have a job that pays enough.

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While a lot of the countries in Asia are notorious for their low cost of living compared to the rest of the world, some of the modern metropolitan areas on the continent are becoming more and more expensive. Even the less luxurious and more detached living places experience an increase in their value since the demand for housing rises as the larger countries of continent gets more and more densely populated. It is also worth to keep in mind that these places might seem dirt cheap to an outsider but to the locals who usually have to work long hours for an inadequate sum the prices may seem higher. Of course, there are numerous other factors at play when determining the price of a certain commodity so a lot can be said about each of these cheap destinations as far as the reason for them being that low-priced is concerned.
However cheap they may be, though, being granted the rights to settle for more than a couple of months or a year in some of these destinations might prove tough due to needing a visa and other forms of legislation, the acquisition of which might prove to be difficult to some people. Even so, whether for a couple of months or for a couple of years, these cities are welcoming as far as getting by is concerned and for some of the slightly wealthier people it could be a breeze to suddenly find themselves being upper class in one of these cities. Let’s take a look at these budget-friendly places, ranked by the speculated minimal rent you would be expected to pay in these locations.
7. Vientiane, Laos
Rent: $350
Vientiane is the capital and economic center of Laos. The beautiful city is located on the banks of the Mekong river and is currently blooming with new opportunities for every type of professional, including starting and operating your own business if you wish to.

6. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Rent: $320
Ho Chi Minh City is a metropolitan area formerly known as Saigon. While living actively there might not be as cheap as you’d wish, living a moderate life can become quite an easy task, giving you the freedom to pursue whatever your passion is.

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5. Hanoi, Vietnam
Rent: $300
Vietnam’s capital and second largest city is also one of the cheapest cities to live in Asia, having small, furnished one-room flats for around three hundred dollars a month.
4. Pokhara, Nepal
Rent: $250
Pokhara is officially the cheapest city tourists can visit and stay in on the continent of Asia but it’s not quite the cheapest one if you wish to stay there for a longer period of time due to the cost of long-term rentals and property.
3. Goa, India
Rent: $180
Goa is an extremely popular holiday destination, so finding a cheap place to rent there might be a bit tricky. Usually the flashy flats will cost you upwards of four hundred but a small, back-alley guest room will be a lot cheaper.
2. Chiang Mai, Thailand
Rent: $170
Chiang Mai takes second place among the cheapest cities to live in Asia. This cultural hotspot will take more than a couple of weeks to fully experience so cheap rentals are always good news.
1. Kathmandu, Nepal
Rent: $160
Nepal’s capital takes the first place in the list of the cheapest cities to live in Asia with a minimal rent price of around a hundred and sixty dollars per month for the simplest of flats. Following the earthquake earlier this year, though, living in Kathmandu might be different than expected.