7 Biggest Nitrogen Fertilizer Manufacturers in America

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1. CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CF)

Produced: 7.83 million tons

CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CF) tops the list of the 7 biggest nitrogen fertilizer manufacturers in America. The company is focused entirely on the production of nitrogen fertilizer and other nitrogen products. Its product segments include ammonia, granular urea, UAN (a solution of urea and ammonium nitrate), and ammonium  nitrate. CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CF) operates nine production facilities, including five in the U.S, two in Canada and two in the United Kingdom. The company’s largest production facility is in Donaldsonville, Louisiana, which is the largest nitrogen fertilizer complex in the world. Last year, CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CF) sold nearly 17.0 million tons of nitrogen products and generated $3.69 billion in sales.

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These are the 7 biggest nitrogen fertilizer manufacturers in America. Aside from these companies, another large manufacturer of nitrogen fertilizers is Koch Nitrogen Company, a subsidiary of the private conglomerate Koch Industries, although its production volume is not disclosed (it could be even larger than some of the nitrogen fertilizer manufacturers presented earlier). In addition, Yara, the largest nitrogen fertilizer manufacturer in the world, has plans to build some production facilities in the U.S.

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