7. Get traffic alerts
You know what’s one cool thing you can do with the help of your Amazon Echo? Get traffic info. That’s right. As you’re prepping to go to work, or go out downtown or wherever else you may need, Alexa can update you on the situation of the traffic. Are the streets blocked? Is there a better route you can take towards your destination? No wonder this one is on our list, right?
Ask “Alexa how’s my commute?” after you’ve told her your home and work address and you’ll get info about what the traffic is like and even how it will take. If you’re more used to using the likes of Waze to get around, you should know that Alexa gets the info from HERE, a Nokia company. You’ll have to use the Alexa app to input all the data, but it will make your life so much easier in the end.

pisaphotography / Shutterstock.com