Education should be available for everyone, and these 7 best online programs for special needs students are great platforms that you need to leverage. If your child has special needs, you know very well that he or she will struggle in a regular school. The environment and pace of a public school are not created to cater to the different needs of students. The one-size, fits all curriculum do not address the unique needs of your child. This is why online programs are ideal for special needs students.
Take for example the story of Ryan Fox published in Great Smart. As a student with autism, Ryan had a hard time in class. He couldn’t take notes fast enough nor pay attention at the same time. His mom had to explain the lessons again when he came home. Ryan said that online learning has helped him adapt to the demands of school at his own pace. He said that having ASD makes it hard for him to deal with school chaos. Learning online has made him feel organized, safe, and calm.
Ryan is not alone in this. A lot of special needs students prefer to learn at home. With the accessibility of online education, they can study what they want. They can learn in a relaxed, non-threatening environment without having to deal with the stress of school. Not only that, assistive technologies greatly aid in their learning process. From screen readers to audio transcribers, students can learn despite their limitations.
Although for some families internet access may be a problem, investing on a high-speed internet connection will open doors of opportunities for children with special needs. Just imagine if the 11 Countries with the Highest Rates of Autism in the World leverage and sponsor online programs for their students. They would open more learning opportunities for children with autism. Internet access is a small price to pay in exchange for the quality education students. Online learning is getting more prevalent and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, in the United States alone, 27 states offer virtual schools so that students can take online classes. It is also expected that online enrollment will grow over the next decade.
Today we’ll be looking at seven online programs for special needs students that will help them thrive in their academics. These programs were ranked and given scores according to their tuition fees (inclusion of free trial), years in the business, and scope. Higher scores are given to the programs with lower fees, longer tenure, and wider scope. The more accessible and comprehensive the program is, the higher rank it is given. These online platforms will not only help students but also their parents and teachers as they help them succeed in their education.