In case you are searching for the best online cigar stores to shop in 2017, you’ve come to the right place.
Buying cigars online has both major advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages are – the selection of cigars is bigger, you get to purchase cigars from the convenience of your home, and they’ll be delivered straight to your doorstep. On the other hand, with the online purchase, you never know what you’ll get.
When you buy a cigar in person, you can feel it, smell it and get a sense of quality just by taking a look at it. Online, you have to trust the photo and hope you’ll get the real deal since counterfeits are very common. You should especially be careful when purchasing Cuban cigars online since, at one point, 95% of Cuban cigars sold in the United States were counterfeit. After the ban was lifted, things changed for better, but you should still keep your guard up.
If you want for your online purchase to go smoothly, there are few things you should pay attention to. First, if the price is too good to be true, just move further. Also, when ordering online, make a smaller order first to see how things turn out. If you have an unpleasant experience, you won’t waste a lot of money. Choose sites that enable you to purchase singles. This way you can test a few varieties before deciding on one that fits you the best. Finally, pick online stores that offer fast delivery, since that way cigars won’t spend too much time in transportation and their quality will remain intact. In case you are not a fan of cigars but cigarettes, you may find out the list of 7 Websites to Buy Cheap Hand Rolling Tobacco in UK and Europe more useful.
In order to create our list of best online cigar stores to shop in 2017, we checked numerous sources for recommendations including forums such as Reddit, Puff, and Quora. Who can tell us better about the online stores than people who have used them? The online shops that were recommended the most entered our list. Let’s check out the best places to buy cigars online.
7. Atlantic Cigar
This family owned company based in Pennsylvania is selling cigars online for 15 years now, which means they know what they are doing. Users are generally pleased with the prices of cigars and service they received from the Atlantic Cigar.
6. JR Cigars
Now, this site claims to have the largest selection of cigars on the internet. Although the majority of the users had a positive experience with JR Cigars, some did report problems with the delivery and freshness of the cigars. JR Cigars are based in North Carolina, and they have three retail stores there.
It looks like Cigar is a pricey online store, but it does give you the value for the money. The site often has weekly specials and the delivery is described as very fast. Also, the praises go for the size of their inventory.
4. CigarBid
This entry on our list of best online cigar stores to shop in 2017 is rather an interesting one. You could describe it as eBay for cigars. CigarBid offers you numerous auctions every day, which enable you to bid for both famous and lesser known brands of cigars and get them at a great price. The users claim that if you have patience, you will be able to get premium quality cigars for bargain prices.
3. Cigars International
There are numerous recommendations for Cigars International and praises for their inventory, timely delivery, and customer support. Some people even got their orders in Iraq, so you know the location isn’t an issue. Despite all of this, we should warn you that there were lots of negative reviews for Cigar International recently and complaints that customer service isn’t responding to calls and that cigars took weeks to get to their final destination.
2. Famous Smoke
Famous Smoke is praised for its app that makes ordering cigars easy and possible in any given moment. You can also expect lots of daily deals and look forward to free shipments. There are people who have used Famous Smoke for 10 years without any complaints and say that their cigars always came fresh.
1. Small Batch Cigar
The final entry on our list of best online cigar stores to shop in 2017 was the most recommended one. Most of the users are more than satisfied with the selection and service they received from Small Batch Cigar. The prices are good and the delivery is very fast. Reddit users are especially crazy about this online store, so if you have any doubts, just check out this thread and you’ll be ordering from Small Batch Cigar yourself very soon.