Yes, we also have a list of the 7 best military documentaries like Restrepo on Hulu. That’s how specific we are in meeting our readers’ documentary demands.
Now, if you are already here, chances are you have watched Restrepo and know what it’s all about. For those who missed it, it is a documentary that focuses on the war in Afghanistan and the American soldiers stationed there. The directors of the documentary, Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington, made ten trips to Afghanistan and spent time with the soldiers as part of their assignment for Vanity Fair and ABC News. What made their work so enthralling was the fact that they shared the lives of soldiers, who were the focus of their documentary.

The soldiers were deployed in the Korengal Valley, where there was no water or internet, with frequent periods without electricity or heat. Junger and Hetherington followed the soldiers on patrols, documented their life stories, and were even with them at dangerous times when their base was under attack. They even witnessed people being wounded or killed. What made this documentary so special was that the filmmakers developed a close relationship with the soldiers and managed to straddle the fine line between when it was OK to film something and when it wasn’t. The final count of footage ended up being over 150 hours and the resulting documentary ended up being received with widespread acclaim. Four years later, a follow-up titled Korengal was released. Before we continue, you may want to check out the 11 Best History Documentaries on Hulu as well, where you will find more war stories.
Now, the job of finding the best military documentaries like Restrepo on Hulu wasn’t an easy one, due to the special circumstances in which the shooting of the documentary took place. We went through the list of documentaries that you can stream on Hulu taken from Something to Stream. We then chose the documentaries that share a similar style and/or topic and put them on our list. We hope you will find something to like on the list, which starts on the next page.