7. HouseholdHacker (2007)
Current subscribers: 4,423,381
Current views: 641,440,946
Created by: Dylan Hart and Traveler
The first YouTube channel on our list the 7 best educational YouTube channels to watch is destined to spice up your daily routine and to make it easier by finding solutions to everyday problems, which are not entirely mainstream while using a variety of household goods. It claims its fame to a simple prank – almost 10 years ago, HoouseholdHacker stated to know ‘’How to Charge an iPod using electrolytes and an onion’’. Many tried their luck, including MythBusters and ABC, but failed to succeed, calling this video an absolute hoax. Jokes aside, you definitely should have a go at some of these hacks and tricks while cleaning the bathroom or cooking lunch, because the best way of learning something is by doing it. Moreover, with the holidays approaching, his newest video uploaded surely will come in handy.