7 Best Cooking YouTube Channels To Watch

4. Gordon Ramsay (2006)

Current subscribers: 2,771,447
Current views: 341,674,282
Creator: Gordon Ramsay

We could say that Ramsay’s tongue is as sharp as his knives – being the chef, he has to be straightforward and confident, hence his brash attitude.  Remember those Michelin stars we mentioned? Well, he has plenty of them, hence the rivalry between him and Jamie. Considering Ramsey’s professionality, it is desirable for you to have some degree of experience when it comes to cooking – in the videos he gets to the point fast with no intro, what can be a little bit scary for those who are starting from scratch. However, after watching this channel for a while, you’re going to be right on the tracks, because once you have mastered the basics, making the Crème brûlée will be a child’s play. So try out some of his fast, easy and delicious recipes, and we guarantee that you will have no regrets.