7 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Why They are Wrong

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1. Missiles hit the towers

It wasn’t just the Pentagon that was hit by fictional missiles it seems, but also the twin towers. Conspiracy theory fans claim that the World Trade Center were hit by missiles and not planes. This seems to be the most insane theory out there because it might be that they weren’t watching the same footage as the rest of us.

While the moment when the first plane crashed into the tower wasn’t caught on live TV, the second was and it was clear that it was no missile. There is so much evidence to debunk this theory that it’s laughable some people actually believe it to be true.

This theory seems to stem from the fact that a journalist declared that he thought the first plane had no windows, which must mean it was a missile. Evidence to the contrary is aplenty, however. For instance, the plane remains were found at the scene, and they were reported as hijacked and they were caught on camera, and so on.

There’s also the fact that the footage shows plane-sized holes in the buildings, which wouldn’t have happened with missiles. But then again, people have believed in crazier things before so putting the blame on the government and saying that it was missiles that caused all the damage aren’t at the top of the list. This wraps up the list 7 9/11 conspiracy theories and why they are wrong.

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