7 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Why They are Wrong

3. Too much damage in WTC to have been jet fuel

Another theory about the World Trade Center states that there must have been explosives in the buildings. They claim that the damage done to the towers was too much, affecting so many floors as seen in footage of the attacks.

Investigations revealed, however, that the planes and the debris from the impact went through the utility shafts, allowing the jet fuel to spread throughout the building.

Then, the theory says that the authorities lied because no kerosene can burn so hot as to melt the steel beams keeping the World Trade Center up. Of course, that is true, because steel melts at nearly twice the temperature jet fuel burns at. While the steel wasn’t going to melt at the temperatures the fuel from the planes was burning, it did twist and bend, which is enough to collapse the building.

ground-zero-63035_1280 7 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Why They are Wrong