Although tastes differ, here is the list of some of the unanimously worst tasting bottled waters in America. Water is the most necessary substance our organism constantly needs to work properly. And nowadays our choices are – tap water or bottled water, and bottled water being the first choice for more and more people. But is that choice good?
There is a dispute about whether it is simply better to drink tap water or bottled water, but one thing is for sure, bottled water makes much more plastic waste, and concerning plastic you might be interested to find out which are the 8 Countries that Export the Most Plastic in the World. The amount of bottled water bought every week in the US is half a billion bottles! We are making a lot of waste and pollution by consuming so much bottled water: from the very production of bottles, shipping, and finally wasting them. Also, the taste of some of the worst tasting waters actually comes from the plastic.

Artem Varnitsin/
Back on the issue of water itself, yes, some bottled water is actually good, being less acidic than tap water, as you can see in 10 Best Selling Alkaline Bottled Water Brands in America. Apart from the pH of bottled waters, some minerals and good filtration also benefit water quality, and some companies really do take that into account, so we could recommend some of the Top Healthiest Bottled Water in the World. There are many bottled water brands: glacier, sping, artesian, purified… But we rarely get to see where the water really comes from, and how it was purified. Some of the bottled waters might even contain some bad substances like endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), bacteria, high fluoride content, etc. And in the end, bottled water costs much more.
Who can tell which bottled waters taste the worst than the customers themselves? Well, that’s the reason we mostly relied on forums, polls, and people’s opinions. Some of those resources were: the Odyssey Online, Yahoo Answers, Cougar Board, and Ars Technica. We also added to our resources the opinion of water sommelier from the Britco. The ranking was not made by water quality, but by the taste itself. But nevertheless, we have also added scores provided by Environmental Working Group because some stages of purifying and additional substances might contribute water taste.
Water taste comes from different minerals and substances in water, as well as from the bottle as we have noted earlier, and it is no matter of quality. Water quality and waste problems are topics for themselves, as they are hot always issues, adding marketing and advertising to their gravity. But we are here for an easier question perhaps, but, that’s, on the other hand, the matter of a personal taste. Anyhow, let’s see what people say what are the worst tasting bottled waters in America:
6. Deer Park Natural Spring Water
Deer Park is Nestle’s water, and not among better ones. It was graded with D score by the Environmental Working Group. Maybe the water quality itself resembles a bad taste, but consumers have also noticed bad taste that seems like it’s coming from the bottle.

Wor Sang Jun/
5. Propel
Although Propel water, the next one on our list of worst tasting bottled waters in America comes in manly flavors, since it is enriched with electrolytes, there is also no flavor kind. The producer explains that weird taste of this water comes exactly from the electrolytes, since the water is made for fitness and activities that involve loads of sweating, but it nevertheless isn’t favorite choice of many people.
4. Glaceau Smart Water
This is a fancy packed and named Coca-Cola’s product number 4 on our list of worst tasting bottled waters in America, promoted by famous people, which should presumably attract more customers. The process of getting this water tasting like what it tastes, starts from filtering the original water, leaving nothing in it. Then some minerals and electrolytes are added in for taste, which obviously doesn’t leave a great impression among customers, plus it is graded with C.

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3. Aquafina
Aquafina that ranks third on our list of worst tasting bottled waters in America is a product of PepsiCo company, and it is actually tap water, purified through a seven-step process. Maybe that’s the reason it is one of the worst tasting waters in America, according to consumers. Adding to bad taste, it also does not have high grading my Environmental Working Group, it was scored with the D.
2. Arrowhead
Although Arrowhead comes from a national park, the San Bernardino National Forest, California (disputably if legal), many customers agree that this water is not the best tasting one. The Environmental Working Group has tested Arrowhead, among other bottled waters, and graded it with C score, not that good.

Sheila Fitzgerald/
1. Dasani
There are few that wouldn’t agree on Dasani being one of the worst tasting bottled waters in America. Many would also agree that is because Dasani is produced by Coca-Cola. Yes they say it is “as pure as it gets”, but it actually contains twice the amount of legally permitted bromate, which is not good. That is why Coca-Cola withdrew Dasani from the UK market, but it nevertheless remains one of the most popular bottle waters in the US. The Environmental Working Group has scored this water with D.