If you’re curious about the 6 veterinary schools in California with the highest acceptance rates, have I got a story for you! It begins with a cat. My cat. She’s been a member of the family for about a decade now and I can’t imagine life without her. Distinct from just about any other cat I’ve seen in my life, her coat is white and pocked with black cow spots. Though the area surrounding her nose and mouth is white, the rest of her face–heck, the rest of her head is black. Her unique appearance made naming her a bit of a conundrum. Something cow-related would have been the obvious choice, though not necessarily the most creative. What’s more, my own comic relief aside, I can’t imagine she’d much appreciate being beckoned as “heifer” every time I wanted to feed her or let her out for some fresh air.
So, because pet owners are notoriously vainglorious when it comes to their ability to conjure up clever names for their beasts–the likes of which are meant to elicit a diverse range of reactions from guests–I, too, reached deep into my bag of creative cat names and ended up with: Bandit. Alright, admittedly not that creative, but ten points to Gryffindor for cuteness. With black fur covering her eyes in much the same way a bank robber’s mask disguises the thief’s identity, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to bestow upon her a name that would evoke nostalgia for the McDonald’s Hamburglar every time she was summoned.

Apart from her name being particularly well-suited to her physical appearance, my family and I have come to realize that it also gels really well with her personality. Much like a real bandit, my Bandit has a certain penchant for living heedlessly when she’s outside exploring. Where other cats might cower from loud, imposing dogs; menacing snakes; and other intimidating animals of that ilk, Bandit is pretty content to confront apparent danger head-on and live with whatever consequences come of her recklessness. In most cases, this results in no recognizable harm to Bandit. At worst, she may slink back home with a barely-perceivable scratch on her masquerade-inspired face.
There was one instance, however, that was probably the closest that Bandit has ever gotten to tip-toeing the bounds of life and death. To this day, none of us are exactly sure about the nature of the predicament that she got herself into. What we can be sure of, though, is that given the massive gashes that criss-crossed her underbelly like lashes from slaver’s whip, whatever she had encountered shared her zest for dangerous encounters.
Returning to us with damage that was every bit as evident physically as it was emotionally, her countenance made it clear that she was in immediate need of medical attention. Fortunately, after a few hours with the vet and more stitches than I cared to count, Bandit was patched up and (relatively speaking) as good as new.
I consider myself a layperson when it comes to matters of animal health. The extent of my knowledge in that field and in what it takes to be a successful veterinarian pretty much maxes out at the two Doctor Doolittle movies starring Eddie Murphy that I saw when I was a kid. With that as a disclosure, I can’t even begin to imagine the expertise needed to do whatever it was that the veterinarian in my anecdote did to help patch Bandit up. Certainly, it was the culmination of years of training and untold hours of clinical practice manifested in what, for the practicing vet, was probably a pretty routine procedure. Beyond that, however, was a clear, underlying desire on the part of the veterinarian to provide quality care, not only to my cat, but to animals of all shapes and sizes. People all over the world share that passion for providing great care to sick or wounded animals, but often lack certain qualifications to be able to do so. In some circumstances, these qualifications may be academic or exam-based in nature. In others, the deficiencies may lay in financial standing as it relates to tuition fees. Whatever the case may be, however, it’s safe to say that most would agree that those with the desire to one day help other animals professionally ought to be granted the opportunity to do so.
Taking all of this into consideration, we decided to create a list of veterinary schools in California with the highest acceptance rates – where students from all walks of life can get a shot at pursuing their dreams. To do this, we compiled a few different resources (cited below) with data on veterinary training schools in California, as well as their associated admissions rates, and combined all of this information to compose the list that you will see over the next few pages.
If by chance, this information is of interest to you, you may also enjoy our list of the most affordable veterinary schools in the US. Even with all the qualifications needed to get into the school of your dreams, it doesn’t hurt to have a few more financially feasible options on the table. So, without further rambling from yours truly, I give to you the veterinary schools in California with the highest acceptance rates. Who knows, this list may be the first step toward your becoming the world’s next Doctor Doolittle.